I'm going to detail a little about a Token that is making waves behind the scenes in the crypto scene.

Hello good people!


I'm going to detail a little about a Token that is making waves behind the scenes in the crypto scene.



Where did the inspiration come from?


Cat Dog is a cartoon that airs on a cable TV channel, it stands out because of the combination, which on one side is a temperamental cat and a very charismatic dog. While one runs off to carry out his adventures the other acts completely indifferent, imagine the confusion created by these two, who are actually one...

With this, the Token developers had many ideas and began to put them into practice, starting with the creation of NFTs, beautiful by the way, and later the Token on the BSC network, they also created another Token on the ETH network, staking, both of the 2 Tokens and NFTs also have generous rewards and the possibility of withdrawal, at any time, without the burden of punishment. All this and much more will come from this team that is improving the Crypto community every day, with responsibility and commitment.






Let's look at what they offer initially.


With its creation at the end of May this year, the #CADO BSC Token, in a fair launch, leveraged numerous supportive holders who staked their Tokens, thus creating a strong and very solid base for fluidity in the graphics, without compromising the liquidity, in fact.

Interesting feat! There is also the possibility of doing the same with ETH network Tokens.


With the creation of just 1000 NFTs, the possibility of also staking is promised, with a yield of 500 daily #CADO BSC Tokens, bringing certain profits to investors and with the possibility of high returns, with their appreciation.

Link site official... https://catdogbsc.com

Link Global group BSC... https://t.me/+vgG0LHjya8JhN2Nh

Link BR group ...https://t.me/catdogbrasil

Link ETH group... https://t.me/catdogcommunity

With the creation of NFTs, 1 very rare and 9 rare ones were made, with the possibility of the investor, at the time of Mint, getting one of these, as they are random, with no possibility of choice, bringing justice, as there will be substantial rewards for whoever has one of these, being from 0.5 BNB to 5 BNBs. The rare and extremely rare items will be announced at the end of sales of the entire collection… Incredibly incredible.


There are also reflections on the Token itself, where Tekonomics allocated 1% of the fees for this purpose.


Massive international marketing on the most diverse news and streaming platforms, all done with care and responsibility, as it is not a Pump-Dump. This Token has its own marketing portfolio, where each step is taken with great precision and at the right time, this is my thought in analyzing the trajectory since its inception, placing the current scenario of the BSC network as a backdrop.


The Accounts, on tw “X”, complete website and Telegram groups make the community grow, with quality and a lot of engagement.


Self-generated liquidity, with a good percentage, the 1,000,000,000 *1 billion Tokens have security of withdrawal and contributions, without extra gas charges.





The rates are acceptable within the range of 10x10… They are divided as follows:

7% Marketing

2% Liquidity

1% on automatic reflections


The Plans don't stop there... In the good news of radio dex, the possibility of creating a game for entertainment is echoing, thus creating a complex and very exciting ecosystem.







Wow, it is beautiful...




Contract renounced.

Audited contract.

Well-known developer.

Locked liquidity, with the certainty of extending deadlines, according to DEV.


For a more complete contractual analysis, visit the #Parlatory link,


a branch of rightcapital.com within Telegram. There you can have access to the most diverse interests in the Crypto world, and what's best... All free. * with regard to the responsibility of the group and subgroups, there is no responsibility for third-party groups and external websites. Visit  https://t.me/parlatory 


This Token really has a lot to offer.


Many WHALES from both BSC and ETH are keeping an eye on the trajectory of this Token.

I consider, I don't know about you, after your analysis, I don't commit to any of your investments, follow your instincts and don't blame me for any losses, since no one shares your profits... right...


“The most likely, the most firm and committed GEM today, everything that Shib and Floky promised, and stopped, this Token could be the one that will exceed all their expectations”.



A big hug and good reading.


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